Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης ΕΚΠΑ


Κλάδος Επιχείρησης: Artificial Intelligence and IT Company

Σύντομη Περιγραφή: Appen is a language technology solutions and consulting firm, recognized as a global leader in its expertise quality, range, and caliber. We are focused on helping our clients reach international markets by leveraging our expertise in over 150 languages and dialects. Our clients are among the world’s top internet search engine and voice recognition providers. For more information come see us at www.appen.com.

Διεύθυνση: 8:22 AM US Headquarters 12131 113th Ave NE Suite #100 Kirkland, WA 98034

Αριθμός: 12064139434

Ταχ. Κώδικας: 352238395

Πόλη: Kirkland

Τηλέφωνα Επικοινωνίας: 12064139434

Email: riguet@appen.com

URL: http://appen.com/

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