Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης ΕΚΠΑ

We are excited to announce the launch of the “Space Career Launchpad” an initiative designed to inspire and support the next generation of young talent in the European space industry.

With this latest initiative, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS), is aiming at creating a central hub for students and young professionals to help them in kickstarting their career within the space sector and to help European industry in acquiring the most skilled and passionate young talents.

We invite you to join us in this innovative endeavour, aimed at bridging the gap between young talents and the need for a skilled workforce in the Space sector.

About the Space Career Launchpad 

The Space Career Launchpad is envisioned to be the future central hub for any aspiring student or bright young talent if they are interested in kicking off their career in Space. At the heart of the Space Career Launchpad is a job platform which is focused on internships and entry level jobs of the Space sector. 

For students… 

… this means that they can browse through numerous positions and apply to different internships and entry level jobs with just a few clicks. Additionally, the Space Career Launchpad offers students tips on how to best apply, how to navigate the European Space sector and master their first steps in their new internship or job successfully. 

For industry and institutions, … 

… we streamline the process on how to promote new internships and entry job positions in a centralised approach. Benefit from higher visibility and outreach to students and catch the attention of the most skilled young professionals. Get easy access to professional profiles to easily match your open positions with the most suited candidates and foster the skills of the European Space experts of tomorrow. The platform is easily integrable in your current HR tool which makes the use of the platform low effort and easy to use. 

Together with industry and institutions we want to close the gap between the excellent young talents and the required skills for open positions in the Space ecosystem. 

The internship voucher scheme 

To further incentivise a start in the European Space sector, also from “non-traditional” Space curricula such as business, design, law and sociology, DG DEFIS is implementing an incentivising scheme for interns as part of the Space Career Launchpad. 

Eligible candidates can apply for an “internship voucher” granting them up to 2000 € if they secure an internship through the Space Career Launchpad. A jury composed of members from the European Commission, EUSPA, academic institutions, and industry will select recipients mainly based on personal motivation, with a select number of bonus points eligible due to a hosting company’s size and type, internationality of the internship and hosting country. 

Your involvement within the Space Career Launchpad 

We would greatly appreciate your support in our initiative by promoting internships and entry-level jobs on our platform. The internship voucher scheme financially incentivises students and young professionals to apply for your job position if you are active on the platform. By participating, you will not only contribute to the development of future space professionals but also benefit from accessing a pool of highly motivated and skilled candidates. 

As one of the core institutions of the European space ecosystem, we would highly appreciate your future support on this initiative.  Your involvement will be crucial in fostering the growth of the European space industry and ensuring that it remains at the forefront of innovation and excellence.